

Product with Equal Legs, Hot Rolled, Annealed and Pickled

stack of hot rolled angle of equal legs
close up of the side of some hot rolled angles
close up of the edge of some hot rolled angles

Austenitic Steel Grades


(1) Although some combinations of leg length and thickness are not available, special lengths and tolerances may be accommodated.

(2) For other sizes or specifications, ask your nearest sales representative

(3) Angles are packaged in 500–2500 lb bundles. Upon request, bundles can be wrapped in plastic.

Short bars: allowed 10% (minimum length 200″)

Mechanical Properties

Typical Specifications: ASTM A276, ASTM A479, and ASTM A484

Product Information


This data is subject to changes according to international standard and working practices. Other stainless steel grades on request: [email protected]